Prophetic Word by Rev. Aaron Betz:


Blessed are the ones who choose to unite unto me.
Blessed are those who gain their strength from me.
I am the source from which all things are generated.

I am a consuming fire; I am the wind that blows.

I pour out mighty things into the world and I see things through to the end.
I am a God of unending and unfailing grace,
But my grace can be taken away and it can be put on hold.
This is not a consequence of my own sovereignty.
This is a consequence of your iniquity; of your unwillingness to surrender.
I am choosing My people and they will be chosen. I am speaking over My people and they must hear Me or else this grace will be halted. It shall be taken back into My heavenlies and out of this earth range.

Those who seek Me shall find Me- up in My heavenlies- where there will exist much delight at all times and on all sides.
But those who chose to turn away from Me, they will receive a cold shoulder in return.

All out destitution awaits the lovers of their sins. All out corruption will be what is reaped.

I am angry. I have been reserving my anger. It has been withheld and withheld. I am finished withholding. I am finished keeping it to myself. I am not the result of My anger, for My anger is the result of the selfishness of those who claim to know Me. I am a God of Holiness. I am a God who desires to bless and to give unto those who seek Me… who lean on Me and not on their own understanding.

Let go. Let go of the reluctance to serve me, or I will totally hand you over to this reluctance and you will be debased for good.