Fast change is about to take place. It is going to happen much faster than people are expecting. In a blink of an eye, I am moving. Quit questioning what I am doing and why and just let Me do it.

Many are very deceived at this time that they can hold onto sin and still go to the completeness of their calling. The sin no matter how great or how small will take you straight into the pits of hell. The lake of fire, I never wanted for souls to dwell but they have chosen what father they want to serve and I will not enslave them to love me.

Those who have and continue to pay a dear price with the sacrificing of their lives shall walk into the greatest blessings of their lives. There are many who are speaking wrongly on situations that are taking place. They do not see the truth. They do not see the real hearts. Ramming and battering is not what I have called my children to do at this time. I have called to love.

When I chose to use a vessel it is from My choosing. Do not for an instant think that you are ok to continue to dabble in the sin you are in. Do not for an instant think that it is ok to judge another for what you yourself are guilty of.

Seek your heart today and be honest where you are and whose voice are you really listening to. If you think this is only about you; that is the greatest fall, pride. It always catches up to you if you do not stop it in its tracks. And remember this – all sin that has not been repented for and ceased shall be exposed.

These moves are about loving Me and letting Me love you and bring souls into My kingdom of heaven where they too can experience life changes. I have so much still to bring and lavish upon My people. I still have so much to be done and fulfilled.

But My children do not even believe in the power that I have given them. The enemy doesn’t even have to shake his finger because My children’s belief is holding them back. Laziness to fight for themselves is holding them back. I have given them the tools and even My angelic hosts standing by waiting for the assignments. But you do not reach out and do what you have been taught to do.

Do not be one of those. Do not give the enemy credit for what man is doing. See it for what it is and correct it. Then move on and follow Me.

Truly have a love affair with Me. Saturate yourself in My love. This is where you will see yourself and those who chose to step out of man’s world and into My life, My resurrection life see that no demon from hell can take away or stop what I am doing. He will not be able to stop the glory that is increasing, nor the anointing that I am placing upon My faithful ones.

Great signs miracles and wonders are breaking out. Are you really ready now to pay the price of your life to gain all that I have in store for you? Are you ready to make the decision to live with Me for eternity as you are coming reaching out and bringing others with you no matter the cost? I am waiting with arms stretched wide. Know this today, that there is nothing too small or too big for me to move on your behalf.