Security blankets must be given up and you are going to have to get out of your comfort zone. As long as you are holding Me to the things you are comfortable with, you are limiting Me. Holding onto old doctrine, canned ham prayers, and having faith in only things that you expect to work, then you are not truly trusting Me.

Until you trust Me completely, then the freedom you seek will only be chiseled away and not exploded away instantly. Your freedom can be instant but your thoughts, minds, and beliefs have tainted your faith. It is only leaving Me pin holes for Me to get in.

I want to flood you with freedom, but you have to give up the comfort for reality, truth, and not always understanding. So many times you want to understand so it makes you feel that you are the only one who is providing freedom.

Freedom only comes by My hand and you must let go of all pride so that you can step out of this delusion that you can do this by yourself, on your own time and strength, and by following a book and not by My Spirit.

Once you let go of your understanding your hearts intercession will flood and open your desire to pray with full unity and excitement for what I am doing. When you truly understand unity instead of individuality you will begin to open the doors that I have so desired to open. The gates of hell shall not have a chance to hold out and will have to release the souls that you are interceding for. But it takes stepping out of self and into unity.

Quit trying to be seen or heard. Quit basing your worth on how much you can accomplish and see how beneficial it is for a team of intercessors to come together and fight back to back. Shine for Me. When you see that this has to take place, you will feel the shift. You will see what I do with you will be unstoppable. You will rise up and no longer feel like you are in limbo.

Let go of self. Trust Me. Unify together as you interceded as the team of Christ and destroy the enemy’s kingdom and camps. Your mind cannot fathom what I am going to do with those who will heed these words and follow through with the correct heart and love for the souls who are weighing in the balance.