Father I keep seeing 11:11 everywhere I look…will you please tell me what this is all about?

11:11 is a sign of My coming back after My Remnant church that is under fire from the evil one.  This remnant church has stood the test of time.  They have overcome evil with good. They have stood when others fell away.  They had no other recourse than follow their Father at all times; even when life became extremely difficult and hard.  These are the loves of My Life and I am completely devoted to them and they shall be covered at all times.  The enemy will have no window of opportunity to catch them off guard and harm them; for I am always with them and I will never leave nor forsake them.

These are My people that drew close to Me when I called.  These are the peoples that did not hesitate to fight with every fiber of their being.  These are the people that are not ashamed of who I am or who they are in Me.  These are the people that never compromised no matter what.

Daughter, you have seen the great onslaught of My people’s; but that did not have to occur.  It occurred because they forgot who they were in Me and the enemy gained sway over them and took them out.  Are they with Me?  Yes, but their time was not up yet.  They still had so much to accomplish for the Kingdom of Light.  But I warned and I warned and they did not heed the warnings.

My Spirit was there; but it was cloaked with their doubt and unbelief and they could not see the magnitude of My Glory so they gave into the darkness around about them and fell.

These are gloomy and dismal days and all must keep their eyes peeled upon Me and not look around about or the darkness will suffocate them.

“It shall come to pass in that day That the LORD shall set His hand again the second time To recover the remnant of His people who are left, From Assyria and Egypt, From Pathros and Cush, From Elam and Shinar, From Hamath and the islands of the sea.” (Isaiah 11:11, NKJV)