Many souls will be running into My Houses and they will need My Agape Love poured out upon them. They will be fragmented; disillusioned; tormented and totally broken; body, soul and spirit. They will bring gross darkness into the house of God; but if My people who are called by My name will fast and pray, their light will snuff out the gross darkness and turn everything into light once again.

The Great I Am is calling His people to Love unconditionally and pray as never before; for the harvest is already headed for the doors of My churches.

“if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.” (2 Chronicles 7:14-16, NKJV)