My children, I have not told you to stop celebrating. Many of you have stopped celebrating the new year and the new things and changes that are taking place. I want you to continue to celebrate. I want you to celebrate that there is newness of life. Things that have been are not going to be the same as before. I am going to be doing different things and in new and different ways. Change is and will continue to take place. Changes of the old into the new are still happening and will continue to happen until the transformation is over. I want you to get back into the celebrating of that you are not going to walk like you did before. I want you to get back into celebrating that the things of old is gone and is going to continue to go.
My children, so many changes have already taken place in your life. It is going to continue to change as you keep yourselves open and ready to receive all that I have for you. Many of you, My little ones, have felt the strangeness and the unfamiliar inside of you. This has been Me doing the changing and rearranging inside of you that has been need to be done. You are going to find out that you are going to walk, talk, feel, and act differently than you have done before. You are going to feel the changes that have taken place. Do not be alarmed in this. Instead, celebrate that the old man is gone and you have step into the new person that I am shaping you to be in Me.

These times ahead you are going to have to be different to withstand the darkness and the things that are going to take place. You are not going to be able to look at things that come your way and deal with them the same as you have before. This is why so much change has to take place inside of you and around you. The pace has quickened and the time must not be taken for granted. Things are going to continually move fluently and in the steady pace. You are not going to have time to get caught not being ready. I want you to continue to move into this stream of change with the joy and excitement of celebrating that I am moving, and I am doing all that I said I will and can do in your lives.

Things may not come as you thought they would. Things many not happen the way you thought they would happen. I have told you over and over that your ways are not My ways and your thoughts are not My thoughts. This is why you must remain open to receive what I am doing around, in, and through you. This is why you must place everything in My hands and allow Me full control over all things. It is so important to move when I tell you to move and stay still when I tell you to stay still. It may not be something that you need to understand why I have told you to do things; I just need you to do them. It is time to step out of the old time religion and to step in to the new things of Me. It is time to celebrate your new life in Me and the new relationship that we are starting to have together.

Quit allowing the devil to get you down. I have provided you a place to put yourself that you can rise above all these things and distractions that the enemy is throwing your way. You are going to find that as you go into this place and allow Me to do these things in your life, you will see that the attacks are not going to take you as long to get through as they did before. You will see that in the newness of what I am doing for you that you will be receiving more tools and knowledge on how to fight quicker and harder than ever before. It will not take you as long to prevail through them and receive the victory.

You are stronger than you were. You are wiser than you were before. You are more mature than you was before. These things, you cannot forget has already taken place. Do not forget the battles that you have already overcome and won in Me. And because of this I want you to continue to celebrate. I want you to get excited and look forward to the things ahead. I want you to allow your desire to be rekindled in Me. I want you to get excitement that the new things are here and going to continue to come. I want you to get excited in your spirit that this is time for the greater things in Me to start happening.

Continue to allow Me to do the works that still needs to be done inside of you and to walk and apply them into your lives constantly. Do not allow the enemy to stop you from celebrating and truly praising Me. I want you to really celebrate and really praise Me and allow this newness and changes to come forth inside of your life and get a firm foundation.

It is time to walk into the greater things of Me. It is time to walk in the supernatural of Me in a constant flow. It is time to quit wasting time and just continue to move forward in Me. I want you to do this with much excitement and anticipation that this is going to continue and just get better as these things take place. Get the excitement and joy back into your spirit and in your life. As you do this you will see the transformation complete and that your eyes will open to all the changes that have already taken place and will continue to do so. Celebrate in Me, My children, Celebrate the old things are gone and the new things are here to stay and to continue to grow.