Today, My children, I want you to enter into praise, worship, and thanksgiving for all the things that have been accomplished thus far and the things that are to come. The giving has not stopped. It will continue to come as you are obedient to Me and abide in Me and in My ways.

There are many gifts that I have given you that you need to put into action. You need to start walking in the things that I have given you to walk in. You need to get your confidence in Me knowing that I am doing all that I said I will do in your life and bring forth the things that I promised I would do. I have provided you with much wisdom, knowledge, and a guide to lead you and to show you how to use the gifts that I have given you.

Get into My word. Study it and use the tools that I have given you. I have told you over and over that I have given you My word to help you down your path that you walk in Me. You still are not using it the way you alt to. You have many questions and want understanding in things that is going on, but you are not looking in the right areas for the answers. It is in My word.

It is time to water the things that have been planted inside of you and to bring things to full bloom. It is time to allow your fruit to be used for My glory and My honor. Do not allow yourself to become dead. Move forward and become more alive in Me and in My ways than you ever have before. Move into the supernatural and into true praise. Move into the mindset to be thankful in all things and this will teach you to continue to receive all the things I have for you.

Stay in My presence. Press into My presence today and allow the gifts, miracles, and promises to come forth in your life. Press into My presence with praise and worship to Me. Press into My presence with a thankful heart, a heart that is open and receiving to get all that I have for you.

Do not linger behind and miss out in the things that I have for you to do and to receive. Do not get caught in the traps of the enemy and allow him to steal all that I have given you or plan on giving you. Do not let the enemy take your life away from you. If you allow yourself to die spiritually, I will have to cut you off, like the branch on the vine. I do not desire for this to happen.

It is time to water yourself with My word and with praises to Me. Sing with your head held high. Worship Me with all of your heart. Sing of the thanksgiving that you feel in your heart and allow Me to continue what I have already begun. There are so many things that happens when you truly praise Me with all of your heart. You need to really let this become a reality into your mind and become a part of your life. Many things are birthed and breakthroughs occur when you praise Me.

Do not stop now. Keep moving forward. Do not allow your celebrating and giving to stop just because the holiday time has ended. Let this become a part of you and be the givers I have called you to be. Be a giver of My word and a giver of My presence to all those you come in contact with. Let Me use you to be My glory carrier. Be a giver of My love and joy and peace that I want to give to My children and to those lost and dying souls.

As you sing praises and truly worship Me this day with great thanksgiving in your heart, I will be completely transforming you in Me. You will find that the world will no longer have any part of you. You will move higher in Me and will become more open to what I have in you. You will find out how much easier it will be to give all the things that I am asking you to give and the more obedient you are to My voice.

Today, praise and worship Me. Continue to be thankful for all that I have and am doing in your lives. Press more into My presence and allow yourself to become more alive in Me. Become the givers that I have made you to be and continue to celebrate in My promises both that have been fulfilled and will be fulfilled.