My children, today, sit down in My presence and get into the boldness that I have called you to walk in. I want you to use it to defeat the enemy in and around your life. It is time to draw the line that the enemy cannot cross. Take a stand to fight for the things the enemy has continuously taken from you and have trespassed on to claim for his own. It is time to make the line and hold your ground on what you standards you have set according to My will.

Get into My presence this day and allow Me to show you what lines need to be drawn in your life. When I show them to you, you need to get the determination in your heart that you have had enough of the enemy and set the standards in Me. Many things the enemy takes, and you blindly allow him to do it. You must have your spiritual eyes open to see all the things the enemy takes from you each and every day. It is time to put a stop to it, and stand your ground against him.

It is time to get your faith built up very strong in Me. Your faith is your shield against the enemy. If your faith is small and weak, so will be your shield that you use to be protected from the attacks of the enemy. It is time to get bold with the enemy and stop him in his tracks. It is time to allow Me to give you the backbone of steel and the forehead of flint and for you to use them against the enemy. It is time to fight to get all you desire out of your walk in Me.

Too many of you are expecting Me to do all the work and to bring to pass what I have said would come to pass. You do not want to do the work that is required of you. You cannot expect Me to do this and allow you have all the things that you want handed to you. I have given you stipulations and guidelines on what to do. It is time now for you to do it. It is time to stand your ground, and take back what you have allowed to be stolen from you. It is time for you to do the things that I have told you to do, and use the tools that I have given you to accomplish the tasks that I have given you.

It is time to get yourself totally committed, rooted, and grounded in Me, and not to allow the enemy to shake you anymore. It is time to use the authority that I have given you to fight the enemy. It is time to use what I have given you to tear down the enemy’s camp. It is time to put the enemy in his place and show him he is not going to continue to do these things to you anymore.

Claim what is rightfully yours, and use the name of My son to do it in. Make sure to do it according to My will and not your selfish desires. Then believe that it will be done and will be returned to you greater than it was before.

It is time to quit allowing the enemy to weaken you by taking your joy away. Quit allowing the enemy to stop you from praising and worshiping Me. He knows if he can keep you from both of these things that he can keep you weakened and will have more of a chance to defeat you. It is time to rise up and to not allow the enemy to do this anymore. You need to walk in My joy that I have given you and let it strengthen you more than you have ever been before. Let My praises and My worship come from your hearts and out of your lips. As you do this the power of your words will bring forth life into your lives.

Understand today that it is time to put the enemy in his place and to fight for what is rightfully yours. Fight for My will to be done in your life. Fight for the enemy to not be able to cross the line that you are going to draw today. Stand your ground. Allow your faith to grow knowing that as you do these things that you are becoming stronger in Me and that the enemy will no longer be able to steal from you. Get in your hearts and in your minds that enough is enough and fight the enemy and make him back out of your lives.