Posts tagged with ‘weight of his glory’

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Weight of His Glory
Alane Haynes

by Pastor Barbara

Last week as my husband and I were preaching on having joy during our trials, my husband spoke the following verse: “And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou [art] my people.” (Isa 51:16 KJV)

Holy Spirit showed me the hand of God resting upon someone, covering them. It was the fullness of the brightness of the glory of God that was causing the shadow. As I sought the Lord, He began to speak to me things that I sense many need to hear during this season.

You are feeling the weight of His glory!

I heard the Lord say, “Many perceive they are in darkness and heaviness because they are under My glory; I say, do not rush to leave, the weight of My glory is incubating the new thing that you have been longing for. You are feeling pressure from the growth within. Watch and see the boundaries and limitations of yesterday break off in a moment; at the appointed time, I will release you and you will be contained no longer. Even as the tomb burst open with My Glory, so shall it be when I release you. For I have been doing a mighty work within your spirit even though you cannot see it.

I have created the conditions from which My words sown as seed within your heart will come forth as My life within you, and that life cannot be stopped. Even as you have seen life sprout forth from a spring rain on seemingly barren ground, My word within you is being watered even with your tears of frustration and sorrow. For I am forming a strong structure within you that can carry the weight of My glory.