Sermons tagged with ‘freedom’

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Palm Sunday PM

In this Palm Sunday teaching, the emphasis is placed on the miracle of Passover, including a personal invitation from God to see how Passover applies to us personally. The service concludes with a prophetic word, and anointed words of prophecy with the power to break every yoke over your life.



Is the enemy fighting your LOVE walk with all he has? Listen to this teaching and receive an anointing of God’s Agape LOVE on your lips; and instead of speaking words of hate you will speak words of LOVE.

Freedom From Roots

God is sending His fire on us- not to judge us, but to set us free. Evangelist Barbara Lynch delivers a message of instuction straight from God’s heart. We need to realize that we are safe from judgement because of the Blood of Jesus Christ- God however is judging things inside of us- He is […]

Where The Roses Never Die


In a prophetic message through Pastor Evangelist Barbara Lynch, God tenderly reaches out to His people in hopes that His church will come to the place of peace and forsake all sorrow. God is calling The Remnant to a place where the roses never die.