Who is Running your Life Faith or Fear?
Evangelist Barbara Lynch teaches us the differences between two cities that Jesus encountered. One was led by fear and the other was led by faith. What runs you?
Evangelist Barbara Lynch teaches us the differences between two cities that Jesus encountered. One was led by fear and the other was led by faith. What runs you?
God wants to know if you are ready to take your faith, go forth and allow miracles to flow through. In this prophetic sermon, God speaks through Evangelist Barbara Lynch and tells us that now is the time, and that “the miraculous will flow as you take your faith and go.”
How will we win our friends, family, and neighbors to the Lord? Not by telling them what they need to do differently in their lives; but by doing what Jesus said to do, love others as well as you love yourself!
In this prophetic sermon, Evangelist Barbara Lynch teaches that in Christ nothing will be impossible for you. During this teaching, God wants to anoint you with an anointing that will cause you to believe and continue to believe, and your faith will start increasing and it will not decrease.
God wants us to shake off all unbelief and realize that this a time for war. In this prophetic sermon through Evangelist Barbara Lynch, God reveals that many of the attacks of the enemy can be staved off as we are at our post fully dressed for warfare. What follows is an in depth teaching […]
Have you ever wanted to get to the place where you don’t have to think of how to respond to situations, The Love Of God will just overflow through you onto the situation? In this teaching Evangelist Barbara Lynch reveals what it takes to get to this place in Christ.
Evangelist Barbara Lynch teaches us from first hand experience what it is like to be used by God to raise the dead. She draws from real life experience to expose what can block this faith to raise the dead. Oftentimes, when pray and things don’t happen it is not Satan’s fault. Satan cannot stop the […]
According to God’s Word, there is no fear in love. Torment is a place that we need never go in, because God has given us a place of rest. Evangelist Barbara Lynch delves in deeper to God’s place of peace and rest. Listen to learn that God has rest for you right now, you don’t […]