In a moments time I can release My glory to fill this earth.

I had a quick vision of God’s power moving throughout the earth and I heard these words, “My power is searching for willing vessels.”And I said, “Lord, I surrender to You to be used by You.”

The words I heard back, “So be it as you have spoken.” The coming days will be filled with My power searching for willing vessels. Some will choose to be used and there will be many vessels who refuse. So My power goes forth searching the hearts of men and women. Who will choose to serve Me and be a part of this great move? Who will say, yes Lord I am willing to be used for Your glory. Those are the words that I am waiting to hear come forth from those whose hearts are pure towards Me. Many are called but few are chosen.

Then I heard the Lord say, “The writing is on the wall.” He told me to look it up. It is in Daniel 5:5, 5:24-31 which tells of Daniel given the interpretation of the writing on the wall to King Belshazzar.
And I heard the writing on the wall is for Biden working against God.

Amen and amen to the One True God Who reigns forever more!

Teresa R. Michieli