Prophecy through Evangelist/Pastor Barbara

2024-12-15 AM Church

My children sit in My presence right now and receive the anointing that destroys every yoke. Cast those heavy weights off of your shoulders Throw them to at My feet and let Me take them from you My yoke is easy. It is not heavy. I did not call you to be a burden barrier, I called you to be free, to rejoice, to dance, to worship.

I have been pouring out My rain and pouring out My rain and pouring out My rain. Are you receiving the rain? Are you receiving revival anointing?

Children, it is time to move forward. It is time to go out of the four walls.

It is time to bring the harvest in. This morning I wanted you to draw close to Me. I wanted you to realize who you are in Me and what I have done for you.  This is a very intensified walk that you are walking.  It has all of Heaven in it, and all of Hell is trying to destroy it.

Take nothing for granted.
Seek my face continually.
Ask and you shall receive.
The fullness of time has come for this dispensation of time.
The harvest must be brought in.
True revival has begun within yourself, in your heart and then you take it to the nations.
You have to know Me in a very intimate way to carry revival throughout the lands.
You must have spent quality time with Me to know who you are in Me
You must have already taken the reins of authority against the darkness
And now you are moving forward in My might and in My power. Never once did I ever tell you to look back.
The past is the past and the present lies bright before you.
Your feet are anointed to take the Gospel to the four corners of this world.
You must take the Gospel into your workplaces, into the markets, on the streets. My word must be proclaimed throughout the land.

We are preparing for the Second Coming of My son Jesus.
And My word must reach the four corners of the Earth before His coming.
There are so many on the streets that have never heard of My son. This
younger generation is a fatherless generation, and they are just riding on the seat
of their pants. They’ve had no direction given to them, and all they see is
darkness and then more darkness and more darkness.
My truth was never spoken in their homes.
Even those who followed Me did not teach their children of Me. By example,
children, word of mouth now. You must go and be like My son Jesus and just spread My Gospel.
The Word is deep within you. And as you go, I will pull that Word out of you, that is why My Word tells you to study to show yourselves approved.
If there’s nothing in there, I cannot draw on it.

As you worship Me this morning, My angelic hosts were going throughout this room.
They were touching you and reviving you. They have brought fresh insight to you.
You will find that out in the days ahead as you travel throughout the land.
My Holy Spirit will nudge you to give a Word in season and out of season.
You will know newness of life like you’ve never known it before.
Do not transgress My laws, little one.
Stay pure in heart. Stay holy as I am a holy father.
And rejoice. I want you to continue to rejoice in Me.
The darkness will even grow darker.

The enemy loom hovers overhead trying to distract you and take you off course,
but you know enough of My word to destroy His works and not allow Him to destroy My works in you.
Take your place this day in My kingdom and march just start marching.
Know that I am the Father of all lights, and I lead you by My light.
My Holy Spirit will teach you of all things that you need to know of.
Do not learn man’s ways, but allow My Holy Spirit to teach you of My ways.
Cast aside everything that is not of Me.

Pick up the sword and march forward. Victory is in the camp. Victory is surely in the camp. Do not allow the enemy to make you believe anything
else. You are marching forward. You are doing a mighty works for My kingdom.
No, you might not see it right now. You might not ever see it.
But as you march forward, I am working behind the closed doors and I am changing
and I am rearranging and I am surely doing a mighty works.
You are living in a dispensation of time where all things shall come to pass you will
see the mighty miracles that I have spoken of you have you will realize you have
not worked for Me in vain and you are not dying on the Vine.
It does not matter what the enemy is showing you. It does not matter what the
enemy is speaking in your ears, through others. I’m telling you the truth.

You are not dying on the Vine. You are not a straggler and I’m not going
to let you behind. So keep marching forward, hold onto My hand,
seek My face in all things, place Me in the very center of all that you do and
allow Me to show you what it is that you need to do. Do not rejoice in man’s
words, but rejoice in the fact that you hear My voice, My still small voice and
because you hear My voice you are truly one of My sheep and I will not allow you
to go astray. I promise you I will not allow you to go astray.
I have a tight reign on all of My children and I am leading,
guiding and directing each and every footstep.
The thunder and the lightning are here.

My mighty warriors have already risen up and they are standing on their front lines, ready to do battle.
These mighty warriors will take many blows. These mighty warriors will protect the weaker ones and they will not allow the enemy to attack.
My little sheep, My little lambs, you are a mighty warrior because you have asked Me to take you to that high place
in My kingdom and when you go to the high place in my kingdom when you leave you are a warrior fit for battle you have set at the table of the king of kings and a lord of lords and you have received your instructions. Now go forward undaunted by the cares of this world.
Yes, the enemy will still try to trip you up. Yes, the enemy will try to still try to bring your past into focus. But little ones, you have the power and the authority to not allow him to do this. You are stronger than you think. You are mighty warriors that I have raised up on the back side of the desert and I have now brought you forth To do battle for the world.

There’s a lost and dying world out there that I need to bring into My kingdom and
You are the chosen generation You are the ones That I have cleansed the cup from
the inside out and you walk in purity and holiness and now I am fine tuning your
love walk.

You wait and see what I do with your love walk.
This is the final cleanup.
This is the finality of all that I am bringing to pass. Love will carry My glory.
Love will see miracle after miracle.
Love will set at the feet of Jesus.

Love will listen for My still small voice and only follow My still small voice.
Much is yet is yet to transpire but transpire it shall the world cannot stop what I have put into motion. Men will try to figure it out but they won’t be able to. I am not stopping until I have cleansed this world. I will bring My authority into focus and you will see the enemy bow his knee to a certain degree but he will always fight. He has determined in his heart to fight to the bitter end so children be advised this day that even though I hold you in the palms of My hands, the enemy is still going to wage war against you. He’s still going to bring you as he did Job before the throne and ask for you.  You must be strong in all of your ways. You must walk in total freedom knowing that I am the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and I fail you not.

You know, God is just telling me that the Church has a mindset that they can do whatever they want to do and I’m just gonna approve of it. That’s not true You have to follow God’s commandments in His word Aad most of all you have to walk in total love.

And the reason why you have a hard time with your love walk is because you’re still thinking about yourself so think about that you’re still thinking about well “what about me”, you know it’s not about you, you’re dead. It’s all about winning souls for the kingdom.

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