The Hammer of the Lord is Coming Down on Wisconsin!
“Surrounding the Nation” Revelatory Focus at 7 PM!
“Warring for a Nation” Intercessory Focus on Wednesday at 7 PM!
Cheshvan Firstfruits Celebration on Sunday at 9 AM!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Dear Focused Ones:
This is such a pivotal time for America, and I am grateful for how the Lord is leading us as we surround the nation state-by-state. I heard very clearly that this week’s focus must be on WISCONSIN. This swing state is a key to how the nation will turn in the days ahead. I invite you to join us online at 7 PM CDT as we Surround the Nation from Wisconsin.
By gathering revelation from leaders positioned in a territory, we can evaluate, watch after, and war for this nation state by state. I am so grateful to be joined by Venner Alston, Christine Jacobs, Kathy McCord, and Steven Springer. Please invite family and friends to enter into this revelatory focus. If you are not able to webcast at 7 PM CDT, a replay will be available on GZI TV All Access in the “Surrounding the Nation” section.
Warring for a Nation on Wednesday at 7 PM!
In addition to tonight’s “Surrounding the Nation” revelatory focus on Wisconsin, I invite you to join our online “Warring for a Nation” intercessory focus tomorrow (Wednesday) at 7 PM CDT. Enter the War Room with our Glory of Zion staff and be part of calling forth God’s prophetic sound on the many waters of Wisconsin.
Cheshvan Firstfruits Celebration This Sunday!
There is great power in coming together – particularly when we celebrate Firstfruits and honor the Lord with the first of our time and increase! When we choose to gather and seek Him first at the beginning of each month, we receive the Lord’s anointing on our “whole lump.” The month of Cheshvan is reserved for the anointing, so this is a key time to assemble and receive the prophetic revelation that will enable us to move from blessing to blessing until blessings overtake us. Join us on Sunday at 9 AM CST with a heart to express your best praise and gratitude and rejoice in the goodness of the Lord.
Next Sunday FF-1
Key Resources to Help You War for Breakthrough in the Heavens from State to State!
Releasing the Prophetic Destiny of a Nation (2nd edition) Special: $12 (reg. $18)
Next Level Spiritual Warfare Special: $10 (reg. $13)
Next Level Believers Special: $10 (reg. $13)
Breakthrough Prayers, Decrees and Confessions Special: $12 (reg. $14)
Encountering the Living God Special: $11 (reg. $14)
Specials good through November 5, 2024.
Chuck D. Pierce