by Mario Murillo | Jul 28, 2024 | Kamala Harris | 105 comments

Christians for Kamala. Queers for Palestine. Same logic.

Millions of “Christians” are going to vote for Kamala Harris. It is such a bizarre act that even leftists find it  amusing and befuddling. They wonder: ‘How did these ‘believers’ wander into our camp?’. Leftists shake their heads and say, “Don’t they know our camp is anything but Christian?” The sad truth is that there are two things they don’t know: They do not know what Christianity is, and they do not know who Kamala Harris is. This ignorance has thrown them into a self-loathing mind-freeze of total contradiction.

There is another group that is in the same condition: Gays for Gaza, aka Queers for Palestine.

Do they have any idea what Gaza thinks of the LGBTQ+ community?  Palestinians have thrown them off buildings. Benjamin Netanyahu referring to these people told Congress that we might as well have “Chickens for KFC”. This same logic applies to Christians for Kamala.
I grew up in San Francisco. That allowed me to see the dawn of Kamala’s career. She began her climb by having an affair with Willie Brown—a married political power broker who was twice her age. He was but one of her conquests on her way to the top.

As a prosecutor she kept an innocent man on death row even though she had the evidence that proved his innocence, she refused to present it. Not until the courts forced her to do so, did she free this innocent man.

Her record of imprisoning minorities for minor offenses is astonishing. She also kept minorities in prison even after their sentence was served. This was so California would have cheap labor. Yet, this shows you only one layer of this woman.
I have told you that Donald Trump is not running against Kamala. He is running against a machine. The hideous inner workings of this machine are well hidden. It raised up Biden and then discarded him. To replace him this mechanism of tyranny had to cast aside democracy and crown Kamala Harris.

She qualified for the next step because she is a moral blank canvas. They can literally get her to do and say anything. The other aspect is that if you oppose her, they will label you racist and sexist, because she is black and a woman.

But if you vote for her only because of her color and gender then you are racist and sexist.

The most important thing to know is what the machine is trying to do. It wants America to be weakened by invasion, addiction, and hatred. The goal is to spank America into global submission.

When you vote for Kamala, you are voting to trash your children’s future. She will continue the agenda of Biden and Woke. How can you forget how far we have fallen in four short years?

You are also voting for the most radical form of abortion. You remember well the statement, “we will keep the baby warm on a table until the mother decides to keep it alive.”

There are endless examples of how she is the perfect blend of incompetence and evil. Kamala is the one condition America cannot come back from.

She will weaken our military and strengthen our enemies.

But none of this is the real argument. The real argument is Christianity. How can anyone claim to be Christian and vote for her? They can do it because Christianity has been cheapened in America. It has been diluted and stripped of its identity.
Saying you are Christian has become a catchall term—a credit card for wicked politicians and weak-willed people. It is an empty label.
Yes, you can call yourself Christian, but by supporting Kamala you are warring against the Bible. Christianity uncoupled from the Bible is fashionable today. But it is also lethal. There can be no Christianity without the Bible.

Kamala is not what she says she is. And anyone who can call themselves a “Christian” and then vote for her is not what they say they are, either.