Congressional Democrats are racing to pass the most dangerous bill to ever be considered by Congress. It is deceptively misnamed the “Equality Act.” Shockingly, this bill ELIMINATES the Religious Freedom Restoration Act from any area the LGBTQ or abortion agenda seeks to invade … and they intend to invade everywhere. Read on to learn all the reasons why we must stop HR 15.

The vote on HR 15 will be very close. We must act NOW! — Mat

Save Religious Freedom! Tell Congress to VOTE NO on HR 15!

HR 15, the “Equality Act” has been introduced in Congress. I cannot overstate how disastrous the passage of this bill would be. Every person in the nation will be affected. This bill is the most radical bill ever introduced in Congress to advance the LGBTQ agenda and abortion.

HR 15 elevates “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the same protected category as race. It will affect every American in numerous ways.

It will impact all employers, including religious and nonprofit organizations, contractors, houses of worship, public, private, and religious schools, curricula, bathrooms, sports, daycare providers, shelters, hospitals, places of gathering, entertainment, counselors, foster care and adoption, biological parents, landlords (even a single room in your house), anyone providing a “good, service, or program,” including online, and all local, state, and federal entities and many other jurisdictions.

In this email, I can only highlight some of the dangers of passing HR 15:

  • Churches and religious schools would be forced to hire staff — including transvestites and drag queens — involved in LGBTQ conduct, even to visible positions of authority, and give them complete access to children, even in restrooms.
  • From kindergarten, children will be taught that they can choose their gender and will be encouraged to experiment with each other.
  • Religious school staff will be forced to use biologically false pronouns.
  • When taking overnight trips with children, including sports or mission trips for schools or churches, leaders will not be able to separate people sleeping in the same room by biological gender.
  • Biological men will have access to women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, showers, and shelters.
  • Pastors could be forced to officiate same-sex ceremonies, and churches would have to offer use of their buildings to LGBTQ groups.
  • Churches and religious organizations would be forced to host same-sex ceremonies and even baby showers or lose tax-exempt status for noncompliance and possible lawsuits.
  • Christian schools and religious colleges will lose tax exemption and accreditation if they do not bow to this radical agenda.

And the Holy Bible’s content addressing human sexuality will become a target under the bill.

STOP THE “EQUALITY ACT”! Select here to send your fax now!

HR 15 applies to a person’s “actual or perceived romantic, emotional, physical, or sexual attraction to other persons or lack thereof on the basis of gender. LGBTQ people, including “gender nonbinary people,” are included.

The Q (“Queer”) in HR 15 will even protect pedophilia. Listen to what the pedophile group “B4U-ACT” says about “minor-attracted persons” …

  • No one chooses to be emotionally and sexually attracted to children or adolescents.
  • Attraction to children becomes a central part of their identity.
  • Minor-attracted people are not dangerous or deviants.
  • Referring to minor-attracted people as pedophiles or a risk to children stigmatizes them and is not in the best interest of children or society.

This group’s main goal is to change the culture so that their perverted desires are no longer “at odds” with society. One of B4U-ACT’s spokespersons, Paul Christiano, was a registered sex offender who ended his own life at age 39.

The group has gone so far as to claim that pedophiles “often show a desire to protect children and make them happy.” This group and their despicable practices would be part of a legally protected class if HR 15 becomes law.

Say NO to HR 15!

The “Equality Act” is designed to crush churches — and anyone who will not bow to the LGBTQ agenda.

We’ve had another busy year defending religious freedom here at Liberty Counsel. We need your help as never before! Thanks to kind supporters, a generous Challenge Grant will effectively DOUBLE YOUR DONATION. PLEASE, be a part of the blessing today by selecting here or the button below.

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8).

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. Our Challenge Grant which will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation given today.

P.P.S. And don’t forget to FAX CONGRESS NOW – NO ON HR 15!

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