By Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch

If every eye were stayed upon Me, you would not see all the corruption that has entered into My houses of worship. I continually warn My people—do not look to the right nor the left, but keep your eyes straight ahead, looking into My face. Proverbs 4:  25 – 27

This seems to be the hardest thing I have asked My people to do. They are continually looking back, and what does My Word say about looking back? Anyone who places their hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of My Kingdom. Luke 9:  62

My question today and always is: What did you leave behind that is worth your salvation? Does not My Word say you must leave your houses, your mother and Father, pick up your cross, and follow Me? Luke 14:  25 – 27

Maybe the problem is LACK OF READING MY WORD! Not only do they lack reading My Word, but they do not understand what they are reading. Hebrews 4:  12 – 13

How often must I say: Come away, My Beloved, before you understand that statement?
Solomon 8:  14

Proverbs 4:  27
“Look not to the left nor to the right” is a phrase from Proverbs 4:  27. The phrase means to direct all your actions by a good intention, to a right end, and keep your mind fixed upon that way which leads to it 1. The phrase is also interpreted as a call to keep your eyes focused on what is right and look straight ahead to what is good2.