By Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch {As posted in this weeks bulletin June 25, 2023 through July 1, 2023}

The Great Invasion

An invasion of the supernatural is about to hit the Church like never before. I am bringing
all of Heaven to Earth, and I will destroy the works of the manipulator. My people will stand in
awe as they see the supernatural in all of its Glory. They shall know that there is a Father in Heaven
that cares for them.

The world will stand in complete awe at what is occurring in the houses, on street corners, in stadiums, and all across the land.

The naysayers will stand in complete shock as they watch miracle after miracle occur before their eyes. My Love will be shed abroad. My Grace and Mercy will overwhelm even the hardest heart. Those you thought would never bow their knee will bow their knees to the essence of the Heavenly realm.

Get ready for the influx of souls into My houses of worship; it is coming sooner than you think.  I have spoken of this great event since My Son Jesus’ walked here on this earth. “The Greater Works” are springing up before you even as I speak.  John 14:  12

It will bring the world to its knees, and the Church will repent of its lethargic ways.  Prodigals will return home in a wave of repentance like the church has never seen before. Please do not give up on your prodigal because they are coming back home.

Bulletin Word 1-1-2023  The great exodus has begun. Not the exodus out of the Church, but the exodus out of the world back into the church. Many battles are being finalized even as I speak and you will see supernatural freedom on all sides. The coming months of 2023 will bring many back to the footstool of Heaven. The prodigals will begin to return by the thousands. {see Luke 15:  11 – 32}

I have spoken about the prodigals returning and now it is going to begin. The altars will be filled with
much weeping of true repentance. The make believe partial repentance will be no more. They will return with hearts wide open to receive Me in all of My fullness and they will never again venture out into the forbidden world, but they will be an astounding testimony of the Goodness of the Father.

Receive them with open arms. I have forgiven them, now you in return open your arms of forgiveness wide and embrace them in the fullness of the Godhead.  The prodigals have burned their bridges, for they have determined in their hearts that they are never going back to the pigsty for any reason.