By Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch

Father, I would like to know what is happening with President Donald Trump.  Did I hear you wrong four years ago about Donald Trump being our next president and Pence being the Vice President?  No, you did not, daughter; but America wanted a king.  They still want a king.  They are not interested in heavenly places.  Their minds are corrupt.  They are immoral, and they have no sense of value.

You will still see much upheaval in the months ahead.  My Son, President Donald Trump, will undergo much scrutiny at the hands of the evil ones.  The marketplace will tumble, and many will run around with no hope.  Daughter, much evil is upon the land, and more darkness is yet to come.  Events that others believe will never happen will be on the scene.  My people who are called by My name are beginning to understand that prayer and fasting are what I desire out of My people.  There can be no clicks in the prayer movement.  All must be in one mind and one accord waiting upon Me.

Much influence in the dark realm.  The Antichrists are on the scene with every diabolical means that they can muster up.  My people need wisdom and discernment like never before, for these days have never been upon the land.  You must trust Me with all your being and never lean on your own understanding.  My ways have never been and never will be the ways of man.

Stay the course at all cost.  Many false prophets have come on the scene to steal the show and destroy the foundation of holiness.  But you, My people, must move on with Me, never looking back and never second guessing what I have spoken to them.  Always remember I am for you and not against you.