Greetings Lighthouse Inc. Church Family,

This is an update to this evenings earlier request ftom Minister Neill Russell.


In Christ,

The Lighthouse Inc. Church

A Major Prayer Request

Dear prayer warriors,
I just got a phone call that my literary agent, Arman Reyes was involved in car accident while traveling to L.A. to finalize the remaining paperwork with The Metro Films and the Western Screenwriter Guild for my book, Newton Riddle’s to become a movie.  I was told that Arman was rushed by ambulance and admitted into a Los Angeles hospital, but no further details were given. His wife, who lives three hours away from L.A., was also on her way to the hospital to be at Arman’s bedside.
  • Please pray that Arman Reyes’s injuries are not serious, and he will be released to go home safely with his wife – with an angelic hedge of protection – ASAP.
  • Please pray and bind all future attempts by the devil to stop Newton’s Riddle from becoming a movie that will finally expose Satan’s hidden plans to gain worldwide control by destroying Israel and America.
  • Please pray that I will be receiving to read and approve the Newton’s Riddle screenplay from the Western Screenwriter’s Guide ASAP.
All to God’s glory,