Dear City Intercessor,

One of the areas that has become glaringly important for us all and in the world is the need for discernment. Over the last year I have watched as we have been duped by politicians and leaders who claim to be one thing, but are not what they claim. I realize that is nothing new. But the frequency in which it is occurring is astounding. ASTOUNDING.

This past week, I learned of at least five people, if I named them you would have heard of them, who are masquerading as Christians and then using Christians, to achieve their goals. It is so disturbing on so many levels. Sometimes we are so naïve and trusting to the point of stupid.

I am personally frustrated that some of these actions/people have caught me by surprise. Have any of you felt that way in the last year? I have asked myself “where was your discernment?” Which IS the question we all need to be asking ourselves. We cannot afford to be tricked, deceived, blind.

I believe discernment in the coming days is going to go from important to a life and death matter. Not just important but essential.

We don’t want to be tricked we want to hear the Holy Spirit. The tiny nudges and instruction that obviously we are missing at times. He doesn’t want us caught off guard.

The other issue that goes hand-in-glove is when true motives are exposed, some refuse to believe what is revealed because of either relationship with the individual or because it requires they admit they were duped. We must be willing to look at facts. It is one thing to be loyal, but quite another to just be foolish.

May we not fall into that category, but be wise in all we do.

Father, we thank You that we can come to You and receive wisdom. We need it Lord for these are perilous times. There are many who claim to be one thing, but now appear that they were simply masking who they really are and what they really believe. We see that not only with politicians, but in so many areas and positions.

Father only You truly know someone’s heart. Help us not to assume or judge, but also, help us to be wise and discerning not naive. Holy Spirit, we ask you to increase our sensitivity to Your voice and your promptings that we will know the truth from a lie. You said You would teach us the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause us to discern between the unclean and the clean. We declare that discretion will guard us, and understanding will watch over us.

Help us to be willing to open our eyes, even when facts are uncomfortable and point to someone with whom we have formerly trusted. Help us not to be so prideful that we refuse to admit we missed it. Help us not double down and refuse to check out evidence, for the days to come much will be exposed. Prepare our hearts to be ready and to not be shaken.

Instead, when actions of duplicity are exposed, help us to have discerning hearts to know what is truth and most importantly what You are saying. That You will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him. Help us to recognize where it is Your hand at work.

We pray that there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. And that those who have worked in the darkness will be brought into the light. For everything exposed to the light becomes visible. We pray for righteousness to prevail. May Your deliverance be revealed!

Lord, we have many leaders who do not know You. They do not respect You, and do not want You or the Bible honored in our nation. They have elevated themselves as “gods” and in so doing have become fools. We know their time is short and pray for their salvation. We pray their eyes to be opened and for repentance to sweep across our nation.

Hear our cry O God to send laborers across their paths to share the Gospel with them again. May they have one more chance before it’s too late. We pray for laborers into the harvest for America is ripe for harvest. We ask for an outpouring of Your glory and Your power to happen across our nation for You said You would pour out Your Spirit on all mankind.

We declare our sons and daughters will prophesy, our old men will dream dreams, and our young men will see visions. We declare that the blind will see, the lame will walk, the deaf will hear and the dead will be raised.

Let the revival that has begun, spread into every city and state. I declare revival and righteousness in my city of (name your city) and state of (fill in the blank). I declare that America will be saved, our families are turning to You, and the Word will once again be honored in our nation and around the world. Rend the heavens and come down!

Ez 44:23, Prov 2:11, Luke 8:17, Eph 5:13, Is 56:1, Rom 1:22, Mal 3:18, Matt 9:38, Joel 2:28-29, Matt 11:5

Standing together,  

Karen Hardin