Greetings Lighthouse Inc., Church Friends and Family,

God gave Pastor Barbara
special instructions to have the song “Talking to Jesus – click here” played prior
to the message.  Please join us on our
audio conference line @11 am today for the playing of this song.  Please dial 1
(716)427-1157 and enter access code 896060#.
There will be ***NO*** prophecies given.

Pastor Barbara shared that this song helped her battle through her most difficult
and painful moments.  God wants those who
are still battling to use the lyrics in this song to do warfare against the
witchcraft and the spirits of infirmity that have been loosed against you.

Pastor Barbara that we are dealing with a strong witchcraft attack. Due to
many people still battling illness we will have an online service. This will be
a message dictated from the notes from Pastor Barbara by Kathryn Gore.

The message will start
promptly after the “Talking to Jesus” Ends. – Here is a link – click here

There will be no service on
Sunday September 19, 2021. Please continue to rest Rest up.

The Lighthouse Inc., Church