Prophetic word from the Sunday morning teaching Ambassadors of Love

My Glory is in the house. 

Let it fill your temples to overflowing. 

It is the overflow that will touch the unsaved and bring in the harvest of wounded soldiers that I have prepared to receive your words of truth.

When My Son came to earth, He came for one purpose – to destroy the works of the devil.

My children I have called each of you to a solemn assembly in the upper room.

I have called this assembly to appeal to you to go forth and conquer on all sides and bring in the harvest of lost and dying souls.

Hell is widening her walls each day to receive the harvest of souls that no one will go and minister to.

You are My lights in this dark foreboding world.

Go forth and proclaim the Gospel of good news and peace.

Cast your nets forth little ones and become fishers of men.