Just what is the promised land little ones?  The promised land is where every promise I have ever given you comes to fruition.  It is the place where you can walk in absolute freedom from all the cares of this world.  It is a place where Joy unspeakable engulfs you at every turn and there is absolutely nothing that can steal you out of My hands. 

If you will read My Word, you will see where I called My people into the promised land on different occasions.  But this day is the day we are talking about.  This is the dispensation of time where I have called My people into the promised land to fulfill the great commission.

Acts 1:8 (RSV)
8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.”

Great Commission, the. Mandate to “make disciples of all nations” given by Christ to his disciples following his death and resurrection ( Matthew 28:16-20 ; Mark 16:15-18 ; Luke 24:46-49 ; John 20:21-23 ; Acts 1:8 )

Children this crossing over the Jordan into the promised land brought you through many hurricane force storms and now you have entered into a new realm of warfare.   You are now facing the giants in the land. This warfare will be tougher than all the warfare you have ever entered. The enemy knows this is a fight to tear down his kingdom and he is fighting with all that he has in his arsenal of darkness.  But I have truly equipped you to fight and win.  My angelic host will be with you and the Holy Spirit will lead guide and direct you in all the ways you should go.

This is a no-lose battle – just as David went into battle full of confidence knowing the battle was not his, but Mine, you must in likewise enter into your battles full of confidence that I have your back and the victory is already won, no matter what the circumstances look like.