“Sid Roth on the 2020 Election: It Ain’t Over Till the Fat Lady Sings!”

Sid Roth, Charlotte, NC

Since I have been such an outspoken spokesman in support of President Trump’s election, many are asking my thoughts. The word I have been given is the phrase, “It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still in progress. The election is still in progress. TV networks do not have the authority to declare a winner. Only the electoral college or state legislatures have this authority.

In the turmoil and confusion of the election voting we have forgotten God’s paramount plan for wanting President Trump re-elected… ISRAEL!

Let’s not be myopic but look beyond ourselves.

The center of God’s universe is NOT Washington D.C. but Jerusalem, Israel. This is why Jesus was born in Israel, died in Israel and returns to rule and reign from Israel. God says when all the nations turn against Israel, God will come down from Heaven – the Creator of the universe – and fight for Israel!

Our country has not had a friend to Israel like President Trump since President Harry Truman voted to form the Jewish nation of Israel. This whole satanic assault on President Trump was triggered because he has done so many amazing things for Israel. From moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem to trade agreements negotiated between Israel and their mortal enemies. This is not a small matter to God. It is HUGE!

Lest we, the Body of Messiah, forget…

Genesis 12:3 AMPC (emphasis added), “And I will bless those who bless you [who confer prosperity or happiness upon you (Israel)] and curse him who curses or uses insolent language toward you; in you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will bless themselves].”

Zechariah 2:8-9 NLT (emphasis added), “(God says) …’Anyone who harms you (Israel) harms My most precious possession. I will raise My fist to crush them…”

Psalms 122:6 NLT, “Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper.”

Isaiah 62:6-7 MEV, “I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem,

who shall never hold their peace day nor night. You who remind the Lord,

do not keep silent; give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a glory in the earth.”

It’s Time to Appeal to Our Righteous Judge

The prophets have spoken that President Trump will win the election. And President Trump won the election! However, fraud – due to unprecedented and unsupervised write-in ballots, even after the election – reversed the results before our very eyes. We are dealing with a strong network of political demons that concocted an unholy strategy to steal this election.

I believe if we appeal to our righteous Judge, in the courts of Heaven, based on God’s promises to Israel, God will issue divine restraining orders and reverse the demonic plan to steal this election!

Our job is to not get discouraged and give up. Our job is to bring Heaven to Earth by agreeing with God’s word. When it is over, I want to be like President Trump. I want to fight and not give up. I want to leave it all on the field.

Right now there are six states that are involved in recanvass or recounts, or being seriously contested. Never forget…it’s not the fat lady singing or the television networks that have the last word. GOD HAS THE LAST WORD!

2021 – the Year of the Equalizer

My call is not politics. God directed me to mobilize as many Christians as possible to vote for Trump because of his positions on Israel and abortion. But 2021 will be a year that will witness the equalizer. The world needs an equalizer. The majority of the news, education, professional sports industry, Democratic platforms and Hollywood are against God’s Word on these issues.

This current generation has no chance. But…God. Watch the Game Changer Equalizer come BIG in 2021 – God’s Golden Global Glory. More miracles will take place and souls saved than in any generation in history!