I go from everlasting to everlasting in every area of your lives.  Do not sell Me short in any area.

I am with you and I have not taken My eyes off you, not even for one second. You are on the road of total and complete surrender to all I ask you to do.  This is an exciting time. Even though the world is in total chaos, you and I are in perfect peace.

Thanksgiving is coming; Christmas is coming and are these not a time of great celebration with the Family?  Just as these things are coming in the natural, there are so many events from the Heavenly Realm that will overtake you in this great season of celebration. 

Children I have surprises and gifts for you that you cannot even comprehend.  I have all the riches in Heaven stored up for each of you.  The excitement has been building up in the Heavenlies for quite some time now and it is ready to explode upon My true believers.

Search your hearts – abandon all doubt and unbelief and just ENJOY all that I am getting ready to pour out upon you.  Look through My Spiritual Eyes and forsake what you see in your natural eyes.


Philippians 4:4 (ESV)

4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.