What is Pentecost?  Pentecost is a time of great celebration.  A time to rejoice in your Father and hold His Son in His rightful place in His Kingdom.  Children I want you to experience Pentecost all over again.  I want to plant you in My garden of miracles, and I want to send you forth to redeem this lost and dying world that surrounds you on all sides.  I want you to be a sign and a WONDER of what your Father can do through those who believe.

I want My all-consuming fire to consume you to the point that you will never retreat into the dark abyss of this world.  I want you fully surrendered to Me your Father to the point that we will have one heart and we will go forth and do great and mighty exploits.


Fiftieth (Day)
Pentecost, meaning “Fiftieth (Day)”, is the name used in the Christian Greek Scriptures for what is called the Festival of Harvest or Festival of Weeks in the Hebrew Scriptures. It was celebrated on the 50th day counted from Nisan 16.

What is the purpose of Pentecost?

The purpose of Pentecost was the Church. The Holy Spirit was sent to birth and equip the Church for Her mission. Even the gifts of the Spirit were given to the whole Church and for the common good. Yes, they can and are manifested by individuals but they always serve the greater missionary purpose of the Church.

Acts 2:3-4  
3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.