Prophetic word from the Good Friday teaching God’s Voice

Children have I not said you have never been this way before? Did I not say darkness was going to cover this earth; but My light will burn bright within each of My children’s hearts?

You are here now, children and play time is over. The enemy is out for blood and nothing will satisfy him except the blood of My lambs being poured out on the streets of fear and despair.

But you little ones, I have been training on the backside of the desert for such a time as this.

You are My remnant ones and you have been trained in every form of spiritual warfare there is and you have come forth standing tall and firm in My heavenly places.

You have trusted Me in the dark times and you have trusted Me in the days of great joy and now you are ready to climb high with Me into the most glorious time in church history.

The darker the hour the brighter the light.

So much has been transpiring all around about you and sometimes you are puzzled; but in all the puzzlement, you have kept your faith and refused to walk in the fear the enemy has brought forth. You have and still are standing on the promises I have given you.

Because of this standing when others are running, you will be used in this battle for souls.  Yes, I said battle. The adversary wants to keep these lost souls and I want you to go forth and bring them into My Kingdom of light.

Now is the time for a reckoning of souls and dividing of hearts. My people have been ridiculed, mocked and derided long enough! I am acting on the prayers of the saints, both past and present, for that which is happening upon the earth.

Yes, even the cloud of witnesses is joining in this call for justice to roll like thunder!

Because of My fierce love for My people, those who have stood against Me in rebellion and insurrection can no longer be kept back from the consequences of their sin.

Separation is occurring! Borders are being reset and boundaries are being reestablished under heaven’s order.

I am highlighting the boundary lines to distinguish between the pure and the profane, the holy and the unholy, the righteous and the wicked.

No longer can the plumb line be altered or my standard of holiness be compromised.

A bloodline is being drawn between those who live under the sins of the generations and those who are under the Blood of the lamb!

Yes, the Blood has been crying out upon the earth, and I am answering. There can no longer be any question, and the choice is being made clear.

The plague that besets you will yield a great harvest {if} you submit to My purposes through it. Do not seek to determine its root; simply know that I am able and My Blood is its cure. Even that which is causing a separation in the natural, I am using for your good.

That which has been hidden and camouflaged will be exposed; those who have been playing characters are being stripped of their costumes.

Those who have served other gods will be laid bare and feel the weight of their choices.

It is {not} {My punishment} that does this, but {My mercy} in hopes that they will yet see the folly of their ways.

I am not a God who delights in punishment or relishes in wrath. If only you knew the depth of My heart for My creation!

No, it is My mercy that has held back the consequences of men’s ways in hopes that they would awaken to their true state.

And yet there are those who have not only resisted My Presence and purpose, but they are leading many down a path from which there is no return, and my heart can no longer bear it!

O My people, this pains My heart! If you only knew how My heart breaks to allow sin to take its course. I grieve and weep at the blindness of man and how the enemy of your souls has tormented you for ages.

{I do not delight in what must take place,} for My love has always been strong enough, and I have longed for all to know it!

Even in My wrath, it is My love that compels Me to respond to injustice and wickedness, {not} My anger.

You do not yet comprehend the sheer power that is within My heart or My passionate zeal for My own.

Do not delight in the destruction of the wicked. even as your flesh may rejoice in vindication, embrace My heart that weeps concerning their eternal destination.

Repent for the ways you have gloated or taken glee in the downfall of your enemies.

If you only knew how many times your prayers have been answered in My interventions—and yet—they have not heeded Me!

They will not listen, and it has pained My heart— and it should pain your heart as well!

But their continued mutiny can no longer be tolerated, for the {earth} has been increasingly groaning under the weight of sin, {and it has its limit.}

Weep with Me. Feel the pain of My Father’s heart that cries out for the children of men to be saved.

Yes, the adversary is being confronted and taken down by Heaven’s forces, and justice is rolling like thunder. but even as the works of the devil are being destroyed, allow Me to imprint you with My Son’s passion that will burn eternity in your hearts.

Regardless of what is to come, know that My love is greater, My power is stronger and My determination more fierce than ever.

Darkness has {no} power, for I move from within even the darkest of clouds.

Know that {all that {must} transpire} will cause the world to see who I am, not that which they have made Me to be, but that which is of another realm and another spirit.

Know the force of My love and the cause of My passion.

Establish the borders of your heart, apply the Blood to your doorposts and determine your course with conviction.

For in these, your vision will be clear, your peace established and your boundaries secured.

Ezekiel 33:11a, ESV
11 “As I live, declares the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die?