Greetings Lighthouse Family,

This past Wednesday February 5, 2020 for the opening of the 7 pm service we shared with you the news about President Trump not being impeached.  In that news brief we shared how Republican Senator Mitt Romney will go down in history as the first Republican Senator to vote for impeachment.  Yes, he, a Republican voted against a Republican.

While we were sharing this information God spoke through Pastor Barbara and said, “Mitt Romney had signed his own death warrant.”

This is God’s heart.  God always confirms His Word by two witnesses.  Hence the sharing of this word by Kathie Walters.

Saints, you need to read this with spiritual eyes and understand that God’s agenda is always advancing forward.

Be Blessed,

The Lighthouse Inc, Church


Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2020 21:17:06 -0500
From: Kathryn Walters <>



I do not normally post pollical things on my mail list, but I felt I should post this- I am  sorry if anyone is offended
I WANT TO CONFIRM THIS WORD BECAUSE  when the vote started  over the Impeachment this week, I saw (and heard) a huge sword land from heaven into the middle of the senate floor. It was decorated and had Rubies on the handle. It was not a fighting sword, but the sword of judgment.
Then when I went to post it on FB I saw this word immediately –
Wanda  Alger
“While watching today’s vote in the Impeachment trial, the Spirit of the Lord came on me heavy. This is what I heard from heaven’s court:”That which was rendered today has been recorded on high. Those who spoke their judgments against My choice have sealed their own fate.  Their verbal assent has rendered them guilty of rebellion and insurrection and the consequences will be of their own doing.

Know that in this day, the words you speak carry weight in the spirit and draw their own power. By your judgments you will be writing your own future and determining that which comes to you.

For one who spoke today, the spirit of Saul revealed itself. The man that many believed to be My hopes for this country in 2012 is now seen for his true nature. His verdict against the president of his own party now reveals the bitter root deep within his heart. Though he believes his intentions to be noble, his heart has been misdirected by his own insecurities and false religion. This is why I gave you four more years until I could bring another whose heart was made ready.

Just as David was a man of war set in place to establish My Kingdom reign, so is this one who now sits in the Oval Office. Though his path was rocky and his methods crude, his heart has been formed and his character even now being molded. Battling dark powers far worse than David ever saw, I am teaching him, and you, to rule in the midst of your enemies.

I say to discern wisely and render my decisions through prayers and intercession concerning the platforms of man that have been found wanting. The judgments of men are shallow, but My judgments are pure, full of wisdom and good fruit, bringing life and hope to all who live by them.

Even as the storms continue to rage and the waves seek to take you under, know that I have given you the authority needed to rise above them and stand with heaven. Declare the Throne’s edicts and be My ambassadors of true justice.

This is YOUR time. The fullness of My time has not yet come. YOU have been given all you need. I say to rise up and take your seats in heavenly places. The Ekklesia of God is now in session.”

God Bless . Kathie
Please keep praying and supporting us .. I sent our JOY team to Kenya to schools and pastors. They have had a great move of God in many places- they have still more conferences and even have been invited to a Muslim school– it has been harder to raise money for this -Maybe people don’t think the children are important spiritually?. I have seen little 3-4- 5 year olds  frozen in the Spirit for hours – gone into heaven. And seen them lay on hands, and the deaf healed, and the  blind see.  –  Please invest, and join our glory gravy train —

Thank you for all your support and prayers: Paypal  and thank you so much!