My children forsake all else; but never forsake love! Love is the sure foundation and without My Agape Love, there is no foundation on which to build.

It is love that I am sending to a love starved generation of lost souls. These souls need love, they need compassion, they need long suffering, they need {you}!

Are you ready to carry TRUE AGAPE LOVE to a lost and starving generation of souls that have been deprived of the benefits of love? Are you ready to deny self and love the lost and dying souls? Are you willing to go to the very throes of hell and pull these souls out with My Agape Love oozing out of you?

You see this generation that is coming into My houses have been deprived of love, joy, peace, and happiness of any kind and that is what they are searching for. They have searched for all these things in all the filth of the world and could not find them, but now I am sending you forth into the dens of hell to bring forth these depraved ones.

These are the ones that I will clean up and send forth into the world to being in the great harvest of lost ones. They will be happy to go forth and spread this love because they know what it is to live with a cold uncaring heart and then have My warm glory touch the heart and make it a heart on fire for Me. This is their hour to shine; but you are the ones that I will use to bring them forth to shine for Me.