Where is your focus? Many souls are suffering from malnutrition. Your focus in upon the things that affect you and the desires of your hearts but it is time to open your eyes to see the deprivation of those around you and even within yourself from the lack of My Word.
Souls around you are dying, spiritually anorexic, and searching for life. If you would just put your focus on Me, I would give you the Words to speak life and bring them health.
The food of this world is destroying lives and destroying bodies but spiritually so is My church. My Son, Daniel in My Word knelt before Me 3 times a day for intercession, guidance, and to gain the strength he needed for the day. Daniel was obedient, and stood for the Truth no matter the cost.
How many times do you stop to hear My voice? How in tune to My voice are you, and are you coming to Me to receive strength and all that you need? You need to do this so you can build up your brother or save the soul next to you who is searching for Me; and needs to be fed and watered with My Word and My love.
Too many of those who claim to be My children are stepping on those who they see as insignificant. They build their own kingdoms but the storms of consequences are going to blow and you will see that it will not stand because the ground it was built on was ‘self’ and not on Me.
Be very aware of those who you sit under. Are they feeding you the Truth of My Word?
Do not be guilty of not feeding the souls all of what I have for them. Too many pastors are watering down the Word in fear of losing the people but the truth is the people are already lost. I called pastors to bring up the souls from hell not keep them there. They are to lead them to the still waters not slaughter them. The Truth of My Word brings life and will raise them out of the pit and into Glory with Me.
It is time to get your focus upon Me. When your focus is upon Me, fear will not find root. When your focus is upon Me, blood will not stain your hands. When you are focused upon Me, you will have the strength to do all that I have asked of you and what is in My Word. When you focus upon Me, the situations and circumstance will not be what leads you. When you focus on Me, you will have all you need.
The lost and dying are in desperate need to be fed. It is time to give My Word and watch the dead rise, the blind see, and the new hearts become formed. This is the time of great salvation and of great comeback.
Where are My people who are called by My Name to step up and stand for the Truth and give out what I am requiring?
Too many of My people have gotten lost into their own lives that they are not concerned to reach out to the one next to them. Give up your life totally and completely. Give it all to Me and you may be surprised in what I can do with just one life that will surrender all.