PERSEVERANCE!  Those who persevere will make it to the end.  They shall receive all that I have fore-ordained them to receive.  The battle has been rough and the scars are very evident to how hard they became; but My children nothing and I mean absolutely nothing will outshine the rewards that you have received for your pressing on when you felt like quitting.

My Glory outshines all else and believe Me, when I say My Glory shall fill your temples and all will know that you are Mine.  Indeed they shall know that I have been with you and you have been with Me.

FORTITUDE! Fortitude is another word that you need to have in your vocabulary.  It will take fortitude to forge forward through all the darkness that is creeping all across this nation.  But as you stand tall and as you stand firm you shall know that I am God and you are in the perfect will of the Father of all lights.

STEP FORWARD and receive all the anointing I have been promising My Chosen Ones.

PERSEVERANCE: Persistent determination

FORTITUDE:  Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage