Father, I repent!  I hear that day after day after day; but no true repentance.  I want true repentance or no repentance.  I want true covenants or no covenants.  I am not a covenant breaker so why do you think you can be one?  I keep all of My promises; and My promises are yes and amen.

You must stick to your decisions whether good or bad; for this yo yo action will get you nowhere.  I am your covering; as long as you keep your covenants with Me.  If you are a covenant breaker, then I can do nothing for you.

These are truly the days of awe; but will you enter into these days of awe?


Rosh Hashanah, also known as Yom ha-Din (Day of Judgement), begins the “Ten Days of Awe” (Yomin Noraim), the “Ten Days of Turning or Repentance