Supernatural Impartation is taking place in the entire Body of Christ. I am not just picking one church over another… I am visiting all My churches and I am giving Supernatural Impartation to those who have stood the tests of time and are still standing praising Me.

There will be a great acceleration of activity in My houses just as it is in the Heavenly realm. Much activity everyplace you go; for I am on the move and I am going to move faster in the coming days; for all the preparation has been done in the Heavenly Realm and now I am bringing it down to the natural realm. All will see My angelic hosts as they are actively participating in My church services. They will have eyes to see into the spiritual realm and they shall see the buzz of activity as the angelic hosts are sent forth with orders in hand.

Many have been waiting and crying out for this time in church history and now the days are upon you. You will know them by their fruit. Isn’t that what My Word tells you? I say this, because there will always be the fake in My movements. Be a fruit inspector and walk in love and you shall not be deceived.

I AM LOVE and that is what this move is all about… LOVE!