Out of the ashes a new fire is being born. The old man will be dead and gone no longer putting out the fire that you desire to burn within you.

Just when you thought it was over, you will find out you have only begun. Let not the limitations of this world or the legalistic thinking entrap you. Look beyond what your physical eyes see and let your heart see My love.

My love comes in all different shapes, sizes, and forms. My love for you does not come with conditions – it just is.

Once you really grasp ahold of the truth of My love, the new fire will ignite. You will join arm in arm with the Holy Spirit and He will guide you to the position that I have for you.

All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other. Just let My love flow. I am stoking the embers in the ashes and blowing a fresh wind and the fire will ignite. I am uncovering and revealing what is smothering the fire and as it is removed new life will begin.