Enjoy every second that you breathe says your Father in Heaven; for life is growing short and there is so much work that needs to be accomplished. Children, children, children do you not understand what is coming down? My Glory shall fill the earth and My Holy Spirit is alive and doing His work upon the earth.

The earthquakes are going to continue until the Big One Occurs. Take heed to what you are accomplishing each and every day. Do not take anything for granted and do not allow the enemy to take you off course. Stay the course I have placed your feet upon and never deviate from it.

I have sent out the final warning and now the war of Light and darkness has begun. The war will grow intense; but I am with you at all times and all of Heaven is standing at your disposal. Never forget the courtroom and never forget the judgment seat.

I love you, My People, and I assure you of this one thing. I will never leave nor forsake My Chosen Ones.