We have been given an idea about love in some fashion or another. As a Christian we are taught that we are to walk in love just as Jesus walked in love. In a marriage in particular we expect to see and receive love. What some forget is in a marriage it is very important to give love.

Sometimes in a marriage we can lose sight of what our love can do for our spouse. When our love is joined in the understanding that our love is just a small portion of what God’s love is the more faith we can have in it that it will make a difference.

Showing your spouse love can bring them closer to God, change a bad day to a good day, give them a better sense of who they are, and God uses love to heal things both physical and spiritual. When you show true agape, unconditional love you are reflecting the love of God. Love is the antidote to anything that the enemy throws our way because it is the opposite of what he is.

An example of what love can do is it can destroy discouragement. When you show your spouse love and encouragement it helps them to know that they are not alone.  It lets them know that you are not against them but are for them, fighting the battles along with them. It helps them see a visual through you of what the Word speaks that God is for us and not against us. It gives  them the confidence to move forward.

When your spouse knows that you are cheering them on, no matter how low in the valley they can be and are fighting alongside of them, it gives a sense of security. It encourages them that if you haven’t given up on them that God has not given up on them either.

When a person is discouraged they really need to have a voice there to help counter the lies of the enemy. When you speak words of life and encouragement it will help them to be motivated to rise up and reach for God. When you show love to give encouragement it does not mean you enable them to stay in the place where they are but to rely on God to give you the right words to speak that will help them climb up and closer to God.

The words you speak to your spouse can either heal or hurt them. It is very important to not be so quick to speak in the heat of the moment. This gives you time to evaluate what you would say and time to listen to God on what to do. This is also a sign and action of love. If this was practiced more in a marriage it could very well be a life changer and a restoration in the marriage.

So if you do not agree with something that your spouse is doing or not doing, don’t jump the gun and say anything, unless you are led by the Holy Spirit. You are showing love in this manner by not heaping more coals on the fire but leaving it in God ‘s hands who has the perfect solution. You may be surprised on the reaction you could get from your spouse as you put this to practice. You can stand upon the Word of God.

Another thing that love does is being truthful with your spouse. It is very important to be open and honest and not to compromise the truth. Yes, you should be slow to speak but when speaking it should always be with honesty.

Love never compromises. A lie brings on hurt and confusion. Lies keeps wounds open and brings division. When you speak the truth you could actually be saving your spouse’s life.

Too many times a spouse is afraid of what the other one’s response is going to be so they read more into the whole situation. When you speak the truth no matter how the person responds it takes ammo out of the enemy’s hands and places God in the mix because God is the truth and He can sort the whole thing out a lot better than any human can. If you are truly afraid of your spouse’s response then you need to seek help because there is a deeper problem. Remember you are not doing anyone any favors to ever lie.

Another thing that love does is uplifts and strengthens. Your spouse should be able to depend on you being their cheering coach. You should be able to point out your spouse’s strengths and good character points about them that would uplift them into doing their best and having the strongest relationship with God so that they can fulfill their destiny in God. Yes, you are going to see your spouse’s weakness but instead of reminding your spouse about them, bring them to God. God may just show you that their weaknesses is where your strengths lie and may just want you to fill in your role in that area. This is where love bring the balance between two people.

Another thing your love for your spouse can do is teach them to trust in love and in your marriage. Your spouse needs to know that no matter how bad it gets or what happens, you will still be there. You must be able to show the same grace that you want shown. You must be able to forgive quickly and keep moving forward. If you continue to hold mistakes over their heads you are not just keeping them bound to their mistakes but yourself as well.

The truth is in most cases if a person is acting out or is having a bad time, it is because they are wounded in some way, shape or form. It could be something that happened in childhood, a past relationship, at work, or it could even be something that God is working out of them. But as you shine love upon them it builds and strengthens your marriage in trust, unity, security, and steadfastness. It can be the very thing that God uses to heal those wounds and bring health into any marriage that has issues.

Love is the one thing you cannot go wrong with. All throughout the Word of God, we are taught to love. When you marry someone  you are agreeing to love them unconditionally and to the end of life. Your spouse should be able to depend on that love just as you depend on God’s love. Ask yourself the question today, are you loving your spouse as you should and bringing them up or are you leaving them to fend for themselves and making it worse? Are you giving them the love of Jesus Christ? I am sure that each and every one of us can say we can always make improvements on showing others love.