The truth is the right path seems to be the least likely of the two that people will travel. This world seems to be full of selfish behavior, character, motives, and the desire to have control. There are so many times a person will choose their plan over God’s plan.

There is an idea that we are in control whether or not we get hurt. This is a deception that people have fallen in and are not willing to admit that it is the truth. We convince ourselves in the reasons we do things and try to rationalize the whole situation.  We allow these things to become our belief system instead of praying about it and seeking the truth.

The truth is if we were listening to what God is saying then we would see where we have gone wrong. And if we were committed to God and to our marriages, we would strive to fix ourselves so that we could be in a more strengthen position to help our spouse as God would see fit.

God does things in ways that are not lined up with ours. You may ask why does He do this? The truth is He sees all and knows all so He bases His decision on such. We only see a part of the picture when we look through our own eyes and ideas. When we only lean to our own understanding it seems like God doesn’t know what He is doing or has gone a route not necessary. We tend to get stuck in a why me Lord, instead of how can I love more or what is the purpose?

Why do we get stuck here? Wounds. Throughout our lives, we become wounded and hurt through things that has taken place in our lives and how we respond to these things. Our vision becomes clouded by wounds and messes up how we see our world around us.

God does not see through wounded eyes. God tells us prophetically to ask to see through His eyes. His eyes are pure and sees past all the pain, hurt, and the destruction that the enemy has caused in others’ lives.

Wounded eyes can cause so many problems in a marriage. Based upon the wounds, we try to guess what the other person is saying or acting based upon our experience, what we are learning, and upon our expectations. There are times we react to their actions based wounds and this causes further wounding.

How can this situation be corrected? Choose to walk down the right path. The right path is the path that takes you closer to the Father and brings healing to your soul. It is the very first step to true healing and restoration.

When you receive healing to your soul, your vision becomes clearer. You are more able to see as God sees a person which brings on a greater ability to love as the Bible teaches us and guides us to do.

Many of your complaints or dissatisfactions in your marriage come from the wounds that you and your spouse has received throughout life. When you are able to overcome your selfish lifestyle of what you are not getting out of the marriage, and focus on how can you be a blessing to your spouse, God can use that to bring a great healing and restoration can take place.

The right road can be one that is long, hard, and takes steadfastness. Until you can stand before the Father and tell Him you have given your all and you cannot give anymore, then you must keep pushing forward. When and if you get to this point, all you can do is lay it before the feet of God and leave it in His hands. God is the only one who can relieve you from a marriage.

Remember your marriage does not make you work, but you make your marriage work with God very first. Do not underestimate the power of prayer and the endurance of love. The closer you are with God the more you will be able to see clearly and restoration can take place. That is choosing the right path.