How do two people become one through sexual intercourse and contact? It does not happen just when someone says “I do.” It is said that you go through the ceremony to verbalize this commitment with your partner before other witnesses; then sealing the marriage by having sexual relations with one another. It is called consummating the marriage. You are setting yourself and your spouse apart to become one together in life by coming together in a sexual union.


The world we live in has lost their morals in saving sex for marriage and has made it very convincing that there is nothing wrong with not waiting.


It is actually encouraged in many ways to allow children to explore themselves, same sex relationships, and living together without being married. There are many Scriptures in the Word that speaks against all kinds of sex before marriage and sex with anyone other than the person you have married and the consequences of those sins.


What happens when you are sexually involved with someone? Being a part of a deliverance team, I have witnessed the pain, wounds and fragmentation that has plagued people who have participated in sexual conduct outside of the marriage covenant.


Each partner you come into sexual contact with becomes soul tied, spirit linked and your bodies become connected to each other by your brain making an image and a memory of the smell, sight, and the experience.


When you get married, {your old self} dies and a new identity is born and that is your marriage. If you were to separate one from the other, they would never again be a whole individual (unless God’s hand is in it). The phrase “tying the knot” takes the true meaning of coming together in body, soul, and spirit and part of this is coming together sexually.


When you commit fornication or adultery with someone you bring that person you had intercourse with into your marriage until you go through healing and deliverance to get them removed by the hand of God. There are some examples in the Word that when a man took the virginity of the woman he was commanded to marry her because he had connected with her sexually and they understood the importance of what that meant.


The enemy over time has been hiding these things but God has started to expose it. It has even been scientifically proven that a woman can have the man’s DNA inside of her after having sex with him that can last over 50 years. The life is in the blood, and there is much importance placed upon it; and a vulnerable bloodline exposed to sin and iniquity can have much attached to it.


During a deliverance session, we have found it very effective to do a DNA cleansing done even if the only one you have had sexual contact with is your husband or wife. You do not know what their sexual past is or what their sexual past thought life had been like or what has been passed down their generation line.


When God created Adam and Eve He made them to be one together without the option of division. If it were not so God could have told Adam to “divorce” Eve or only thrown Eve out of the garden and made Adam another wife. Instead they suffered the consequences together.


Many people have asked why did Moses give permission for divorce to take place. People back in biblical times asked the same thing. Jesus’ response was clearly that divorce was not intended in the beginning, but permitted only because of the people’s hardened hearts. The ‘stubborn and stiff-necked’ Israelites knew God by habits and learned behavior but not by an intimate relationship with God, so it was hardly likely that they understood all the deep, wonderful mysteries of marriage as God intended. There were also other issues going on at the time, but it is not God’s Will for any divorce to take place.


Jesus said that no one should separate what God had joined together. Were some of these marriages joined by God or joined by man? Grace may still help the marriage to become godly, even if God did not join it together in the first place. So no marriage is hopeless unless the person is still alive and has hardened their hearts to not change and obey God’s Word in the marriage and God may release them from that covenant. But it has to be God to do that and not man.


There are different soul-ties that you can have but when it is a soul-tie connected through sexual intercourse, you also become one with them in the spirit, soul and body. It is a three strand cord that has to be unknotted for you to have freedom from those other sexual partners that you have had prior to your spouse. You do this so that you can truly become one with your spouse.

You can also collect soul-ties through sexual thoughts, motives, and actions that do not necessarily have to be intercourse, but you do not become one with them as you would through intercourse; however they still have a drastic effect on you and can cause much damage to your marriage and yourself as well as your spouse. It is in the Word that these kinds of acts – if done while you are married – are the same as adultery in God’s eyes.

This is why pornography, prostitution, fantasy and lust are so damaging to your life and your relationships. You are actually connecting with these things and people through the spirit realm and are becoming bound as a prisoner to them. It takes the blood of Jesus and removing the legal rights for them to get broken.

If you have found yourself reading this and relating that you have had sexual partners other than your spouse, have had sexual thoughts, motives, contact with others or struggling with lust and fantasy, here is a list to go through during prayer to cut the ties.

Breaking these soul ties is not the answer to all lusting and sexual issues, but it is one of the things you can do in the direction of freedom.

If you find yourself still having problems and connections with these past people and issues and do not feel like you are getting the soul ties cut and removed, then I encourage you to seek deliverance and get an in depth cleansing of things that you may not be able to see.

List the people who you have had sexual intercourse with (physical, oral, anal, or the like). List the people who may have abused you sexually through intercourse or molestation or bad experiences with any type of sexual connections. (This is going to need further ministry for the trauma and pain that comes with it.)

List the people you may have had a one night stand or casual sexual encounter with. List the things you have done that has brought yourself sexual gratification such as masturbation and anything that was used during that time or thoughts you had that would bring a connection to you and those things.

List what the Holy Spirit reveals to you of times you have committed sexual thoughts, motives, and contact that was not related to intercourse towards other people. Go down the list for each individual thing and person and repent for them and see the sin for what it is. Also forgive the person for all of their involvement knowing or not knowing.

Take the Sword of the Spirit and divide the soul ties like the sword divides the bone and marrow, and cut the soul tie completely from your body, soul, and spirit.

Dip each end of the tie in the blood of Jesus Christ and seal each connection to never be reconnected.

Call upon the cleansing Living Water of the Word of God to cleanse your DNA from all foreign debris that is there that is not yours.

Call upon the Healing Balm of Gilead to come in and saturate your mind like honey and restore all that the sin had damaged and tainted and call upon a transforming of the mind as the mind of Christ. Call upon the fire of God to remove all sexual desire, triggers, associations and burn out all the rubbish and replace it with the fire of God, passion for God, and health into the relationship between you and Him and then in your marriage.

Close all the doors to your past and lock it up with the Key of David and also close any inroad the enemy has made and connected with your spouse or the other person. Go to the court room of Heaven and petition God to remove all the same from each person of anything of you or anything that had transferred from you that could have attached or affected that person.

Call upon God’s grace and favor to remove all viruses that came in through the sin that would be there for the ties to try to be reconnected. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal all spirits that have attached and associated themselves with the connection and ties and then address them, cast them out, and fill those areas with the Holy Spirit and evangelize that area for Jesus Christ so that nothing can reconnect.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything else that needs to be done that had not been addressed. Call upon the cleaning Angels to cleanse your marriage bed and take it out of the hands of the world and place it in the 3rd Heavens with God where it can be undefiled and pure before God. Thank and praise God for the completed work. Seal the prayer in the Blood and Love of Jesus Christ.