Why do you think it is such a farfetched thing that is taking place around the nation and what is going on around about you? I have spoken and I have warned that these days were ahead. I have advised. I have given every tool you need. Now it is up to you what you do with it.

I have given all that you need in this hour. I have given you My love and now it is time to give that love out. Step out of the view of yourself and see the needs of those around you. Put down your worldly desires and pick up the works of My kingdom.

You remain silent unless you think it is to make you look good but the truth is you only make yourself look like a fool and are making a mockery of Me. Those days are done. You are either for Me or against Me. I will not put up with the teeter tottering between two worlds.

If you will not open your ears when I speak then I will not speak to you. I will allow you to stay in your deception and your choice to desire the things of this world and not of Me. The world is wicked, but I have told you that. I have told you that you cannot enter into My gates in Heaven if you are in sin.

It is time to grow up, put away and cast down every imagination that exalts itself above Me. Let go of all idols that you have put before Me. As you do this and lay your life down at the cross, then I will be able to move upon you and the things that I have promised will take place.

Let go of your own understanding. Quit making things as though they are not. Stay on track and know that now is the time to stay ever so close to Me. Heed the Words that I have already spoken for this is the season that you will see many of them come to pass.

Reach out to those who are in need and need My love. Be thankful for where I have you and see that there is a plan and purpose in your life. You need to be living it out and giving Me out. Quit putting Me in a box and see that giving of Me comes in many forms.

Quit trying to reason with Me. Either you want all of Me or none of Me. If you choose all of Me then all you have to do is just be obedient through faith that I love you. Believe that I am in total and complete control; that I have you in the very palm of My hands. Walk in total peace that you are My child and go forward. Do not look back! Reach out to the hurting and give them My love. When you do this, you will never be the same.