Where do we go from here? Do you realize how many of My children are still asking that question, even though I have given explicit directions where we are going. We are going higher into the spiritual heavenly realm and we are learning to be GLORY CARRIERS.

Now, there is a very specific works that needs to be done and I have been getting you prepared to do this works. This summer explosion of My Glory is going to take the world by surprise; but My church should be anticipating this great all out event.

Be a Glory Carrier and quit asking the same questions over and over again. Just abide under the shadow and watch what I will do this summer.

Healing is coming back into My House and many miracles are going to take place. Will you be the conduit that I can work through? Are you ready to metabolize with Me?

Conduit: A passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric wires can pass.

Metabolize: Produce by metabolism.

Metabolism: The {marked and rapid transformation} of a larva into an adult that occurs in some animals