Stay steady and stay firm, little ones. Release all your emotions to Me and do not allow them to run and rule your life.

I am about to break out a strategic move against the enemy. When I bring forth what I have planned My true churches will be overflowing with the lost, dying, and prodigals as they run to My shelter of love and peace.

You must be able to stay calm, peaceful, and ready to give out of Me and not of self. You are going to have to keep it together as you minister to them in their hardest times and know that I will deal with yours.

There is much about to come forth. Steady yourself in Me and do not waiver. Do not look at the surface of things but stay close to Me and in tune to My voice.

As you stay secured in Me you will see that it will bring hope and peace to those who have known of none. They have only known pain, heartache, and uncleanness. But now is the time that I want to raise them out of the miry clay and make them into beautiful diamonds for My kingdom.

You must be emotionally stable so that I can use you in this hour. You must not suppress them nor ignore them, but to release them to Me.

Let go of every care and be about My business. As you do this you will see all will be well with you and things will be taken care of, even when you least expect it.

The floods of souls are coming in but so are My blessings. But the question of the hour is, are you emotionally ready for what is about to take place? Will you let go of self completely and only function as a servant of My love?