I want you to storm and infiltrate the enemy’s stolen lands that he thinks is his to possess. I want you to take everything back from him that is not his to have. What will he have when you are done removing it? Nothing. Nothing at all will be his own.

He is a murderer, a liar, and a thief. He is full of destruction and he uses illusions, mirages, and fear because he knows he can only do what you believe he can do. Without a legal right he has to let go. And I hold all keys to destroy the legal rights so really what hold does he have at all?

Who do you believe is the victorious one? What do your actions say? What does your heart say? Do both of them say the same things? Not all the time, I say. That is why I look at the heart. And I am telling you that I see a heart that is a warrior and will overthrow the attacks of the enemy and see him for what he really is.

The enemy is a coward, a copier, and one that is more afraid of you then you could ever imagine because of My power that lies inside of you. He knows all you have to do is believe and you can tap into it.

The biggest thing he is after is your belief. If he can change your vision he has an in road into your life.

Now I am telling you suit up for the taking. Suit up and see that the enemy cannot control you anymore. You are fully equipped and prepared to take back the lands. But are you in possession of what I have equipped you with or is it laying collecting dust? Give the enemy what he is due and that is nothing!

Stomp on his head and send him running little ones. It is time to take the booty away from the enemy and see all that has been stolen restored and so much more is in store.

Are you willing to fight to take back what is rightfully yours? Only you can answer this question. Only you can decide if you are going to get it back or continue to allow the enemy to keep possession of your inherited property and blessings.

The ball and fight is in your court. Shall we fight together or are you going to sit back and do nothing and watch the enemy have fun with what is yours?