Get the wax out of your ears and listen to the words that I am speaking to you. I have spoken and spoken but to no avail. The same response, the same story over and over.

I have been looking for reformation of character. I have been looking for true obedience and sacrifice of self. So few are found and this has saddened My heart, but it is the choice you have made.

What more must I do for you? I could give you the moon and back but it would mean nothing to you. I have given My Son’s life to show you how much I love you, there is no greater thing I could have given you. If you cannot see the truth in this gift that I have given you, then you are not going to be satisfied with anything else.

How I weep over the Body that claims to be of My Spirit and how they blast the name of My Son but will not lay down their flesh and allow reformation to take place. Instead they bring shame and false truth to the name of My Son and I will have it no more.

This sadness has become My Wrath. My Wrath will fall and that is a given. You shall see how serious I am. Many are falling away from Me and picking up the ideas of this world. But My Word speaks against this. I have called you to be a peculiar people. To shine of My image and not of man. You cannot serve two Gods. Your life will reflect what God is the one you serve. No set of words will be able to hide the intentions of the heart for I am going to allow your actions to speak for themselves and the choice you make in your heart will be locked into who you will serve in this season.

Do not allow My cloud to pass you by because you cannot turn from your sin. It is all of you or nothing. That is what I require; I have not changed My mind. Every last dirt must come up to the surface and blasted out.

I have called My Church to be a pure and holy Body. My Son deserves the very best and that is what He will get. I desire you to be a part of this, but if you do not allow the change to take place and walk it out then you will be washed away as a blemish. Is this request harsh? It is the truth and it is up to you.

Who do you say you serve? Who do you show that you serve? Serve Me with all your heart. That is what I require. Did I say be without mistake? No I did not, but I do require you to grow up and apply what I have given you. I require you to walk in My love. I have given you everything you need to do this. Now it is up to you to walk it out.

You can choose to walk under My love or under My wrath. The choice is yours and it will all be said through the actions of your life and the fruit you produce. How much you miss in this season is solely on you. I look at the heart. If you do not know what your heart looks like, ask Me and I will tell you. But be prepared for what I will tell you.

Let your flesh die and put Me above all things and that is when you know the reformation of character has begun and when it is over, you will not recognize yourself because you will be spiritually and supernaturally transformed.