Rambling and rambling about this and about that, I hear everything that you say. I hear the murmuring and the complaining. I hear the anger and the sadness. I hear all these things that you allow to flood your mind. But in all that clutter and clatter are you listening for My still small voice?

Peace to your souls My children. Allow the storms of voices and problems to be silent and listen to My voice. When you do this and be obedient to what I say, you will watch My finger come down and bring order in the midst of chaos. You will see My finger come down and untangle all the mess. You will see My finger come down and touch the hearts and they will become like soft clay in My hands. You will see My finger come down and chains literally fall off of them and they will become almost weightless from the freedom they will receive. All of this and so much more can be achieved if you would just tune out the noise and the storms and listen for My still small voice.

I am talking but are you really listening and are you completely obedient to what I tell you? As you search out the answer and allow the silence to take place inside despite what is going on around you, you will see that everything I promised, I am lining up to bring to pass.