[This was a personal Word to me, but I feel the Body would benefit from it also.]

My daughter, too many are aborting what I have placed in them. They are aborting the Words, the knowledge, the teachings, the songs, the books, the calling, the ministry, and so many things that I have placed in My people to do. All of this is being aborted for the flesh and fleshly ways and desires. This is breaking My heart.

This is birthing time, but they are walking away from the responsibilities and have become negligent to the care of such things. They have passed it off to someone else, knowing or unknowingly because they have refused to go through the contraction, the labor of the birthing process. They are smothering what I am bringing forth with their own ideas, timing, and ways.

They want to take the credit for the birthing without going through the birthing pains and process. This cannot be for I am the only Father in this picture who has placed the seeds. I am the Creator and the lover of your soul, your heart, your spirit who have put these things in your bosom to come out.

Do not be one of those, little one, who has aborted the birthing process. I have placed many things inside of you to give to My people and not hold them amongst yourself. Do not allow the enemy to speak into your ears of lies on what I am doing and how I want it done. Listen to the Holy Spirit that I have placed inside of you for comfort, your birthing coach. And as you yield to the birthing, you will find I have so much more to give you. But first you must allow what is in you to be birthed first.

As the contractions come just breath and release what comes up from the bosom. Give it out to others so that they can be seeded with My Word. Quit trying to wrap your mind on how to do it or when to do it. When you gave birth did you have control over your contractions… I think not. When it was time to push the baby out, your body automatically will respond. Your spiritual body will tell you it is time to push and release. It is no different.

There are too many, little one, who want to be technical in how things are done and they want to put their hands into it. They are allowing their flesh to be a hindrance to what I am doing. You cannot be the one giving birth and the one who is guiding the “baby” out. Let My Holy Spirit guide out the things which I am birthing out of you and you just be the vessel that I am birthing it out of.

You will see that the birthing process is so worth it and the beauty of how I will use it to touch so many people’s lives. Do not look at the birthing process as a painful punishment, but as a process of joy. See how much a beautiful thing it is.

Now just breathe and let it come forth as you are obedient to what I am asking you to do. If it is writing books, let them pour out to be read. If it is songs, let them be heard. If it is wisdom share it amongst the nations. If it is a prayer of intercession, let it be spoken. If it is to share My Love, let it be seen. Let it multiply for My Kingdom and then watch as the “baby” grows you will see the purpose that they were birthed for in My kingdom.