What are you doing to bring in the souls to My Kingdom?  I have given you a charge to spread My Word, to heal the sick, to set the captives free, to raise the dead, and to love, love, love. I have charged you to walk in My signs, miracles, and wonders. But to do this you must have a pure and holy heart and want to serve Me.

Too many of you are about your ideas, your motives, your ways, and your life. I have called you to bring My salvation to the souls. I have called you to be labors in My vineyard, in My Kingdom. I have called you to spread My Word and to feed, to water, and to tend to the souls and bring them into the Kingdom.

Do not be working in vain in your own vineyard with your selfish motives and intentions. Now is the hour to put your all in what I have called you to do. Now is the hour to get your heart completely pure and holy before Me so you can walk in the fullness of the callings.

Now is the hour to be focused on what I have charged you to do. Now is the hour to rise above your sins and your way of living and to see that there are so many souls out there crying, bleeding, and pleading to be saved and are dying off the vine because they are not being tended to.

Be about the Father’s business. See that there is no time to waste and that great things are coming and it is up to you were you are when it comes.

I will not keep calling but I shall work with those who have heed My call. They will become the chosen that will walk in the fullness of My Glory. I will use those who yield and surrender all right now to bring health to the souls and water them with My Hope, My love, and My Word.

I will not allow My harvest to go unattended. And if you separate yourself from the Vine, you shall be pruned off. There is much to be accomplished. Many souls to be saved and tended to so there is no time for such foolishness.

Take up My charge to you this day and put away your selfishness and answer to call and become the chosen ones and be a part of this great outpouring of My Spirit. My Word says, many are called but few are chosen. This decision rests in your hands and in your actions, and where your heart remains.