Woman set free from generations of ancestral witchcraft demons, dozens of heart pieces restored by Jesus!

Greetings Lighthouse members,

We have witnessed the power of Jesus Christ once again as He came to set the captives free! Melinda, a woman terribly possessed by many deeply rooted ancestral witchcraft demons, sought the Lord for help and deliverance.

Melinda suffered from classic symptoms of witchcraft attacks – suffering marriage, broken and damaged relationships, physical illness, depression, broken finances, strained fellowship, lack of prayer and fasting, laziness and lethargy to name a few.

As we took Holy communion and went before the Lord, you could see the demons begin to surface and show in her eyes and on her face. The demons hate the Blood of Jesus and the power of communion. This stirs up the nest as we proceed forward, and we began to call out the spirits God had ordained for judgment.

Suddenly, Melinda bent over and began to scream and the spirits manifested themselves. There were initially spirits of witchcraft, idolatry, hate, murder, python and several others. These demons spit and hissed at me, but it was because of the anointing Jesus brought with Him. We commanded the spirits to loose her body and go into the abyss; they were reluctant but they had to obey the Word of God and yield to Jesus!

As the spirits were coming out in layers, broken heart pieces manifested and began to cry and weep feeling terrible burdens of pain and trauma. We sent these heart pieces to Jesus to be restored and fill the voids within Melinda. Once they were released we went right back into the generational abundance of demonic spirits.

Melinda’s generational line is full of satanic witchcraft. Even her own father and mother – aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. practice witchcraft and have involvement in the occult! She is truly a first generation Christian in her bloodline – and the demons were not happy about it.

We broke off the oaths and covenants the ancestors made over Melinda, and one of the spirits shrieked and recoiled in bitter rage as it manifested and threw her down to the floor. We commanded the spirits of Jezebel and all her witchcraft idolatry to be cast down to the pit. The spirit tried to crawl out of the building but was STOPPED by the Holy angels of God. The spirit looked frantically for whom it could enter but found only the precious Blood of Jesus covering the team workers.

The spirits grew desperate and tried to bite my hands, but the angels of God kept us all safe. Finally the spirits cried out and obeyed Jesus as they fled to the pit.

Melinda came back to her senses and got up off the floor and had almost no recollection of what had taken place. She said she felt so much lighter and freer; she began to cry and thank Jesus for this mighty work of salvation and deliverance for her soul. We gave God the glory for what He had done several times throughout her session; it is His anointing that does the work and we are just vessels for Him to work through.

We praised Jesus and anointed Melinda, giving her some materials to help her retain her deliverance and freedom in Jesus. As always, a beautiful ending with a precious smile thanks to JESUS!

In Christ,
Rev. Brett Connell
Lighthouse Inc. Church Deliverance Team