Dear Body of Christ:

I write to you today with a burden upon My heart. So many are taking the word of God and twisting it and using it to condone the sin they are in or to do things that are not for a child of God to do. They take it and twist it to use against the sinners, those who are lost, and judge them, criticize them, and condemn them.

But take a look at what Jesus did. Jesus did not use the word of God against the sinners. He used the word of God against those who were religious and put down the sinners. Jesus rebuked them and put them into their place. With the sinners He loved them for who they were and did not participate in their sin, but allowed His love to draw them into the kingdom of God.

A sinner in the eyes of a religious person is one who drinks, does drugs, defiles their bodies, is sexually perverted, homosexual etc. But the real issue is even the religious person is a sinner. The word of God clearly states that we have all fallen short of the Glory of God. We expect God to love us so why do we find it so hard to love those who are out in the world.

Jesus expected more out of the religious bunch because they knew better. If you have been in church, gone through deliverances, studied God’s word, and know what it is to be in His presence and still have sin staring you in your face that you daily participate in then you better be very careful where you are pointing your finger.

If you are still buying your sin, then you are not serious on getting rid of it. If you are still being passive on the thought life and you are expecting God to take it without any work on your part, you are sadly mistaken. If you are still worrying then you are not fully trusting God and secretly believing you know a better way than God. All these things are a sin.

There is not a rate of sin on what is higher than the other. They will all cost you the kingdom of heaven if you do not repent and turn from them daily. Sin will get you into the pit of Hell. Like it or not it is the truth.

As the body of Christ we need to put on the love of Christ and quit trying to tear down one another with the sin that has surfaced when there is so much sin that we want to believe is hidden. All things will come out if you do not take care of it.

Really search yourself and if you find yourself being as the religious leaders in Jesus time, then repent and ask Jesus for his love and compassion for those who are where you came from and see that as you take the first step Jesus will help you overcome your sin, but you have to be determined to do your part and walk away.

The real question is where do you want to make your home for eternity? If you want heaven to be your home, then you must be honest with yourself and see where you are. If you cannot do this, then you are no better than a person who is in the very pit of sin. You will be finding out that you will share the same home, if you do not rise up and take a stand against the sin in your own life and quit pointing the finger and using the word against someone else.

In Christ,
A Servant of God