Move; move; move! Whatever you do, do not stand still; for this is the hour of the great move of My Spirit. This is the hour of Great Signs, wonders and miracles to be performed. This is the hour of the Greatest Glory Drop the church will ever behold.

This is not the hour to stay seated; for the enemy is looking for those who are lethargic; he is looking for those who think they don’t have to fight; he is looking for those who are expecting Me to reach down and shake all that junk out of them, for he knows that if you don’t fight, he has won the battle.

Move My Children; move to the new drum beat. Move to the new sound of the wind rustling in the tree tops. Move to the marching of the sound of My voice summoning you to come up hither. Whatever you do children, do not sit down; but just keep moving.
“for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.” (Acts 17:28, NKJV)